

Experimental essayfilm / DCP / 17min / 2018

Concept, Realization, Production: Iris Blauensteiner / Music, Sound Design, Sound Mixer: Rojin Sharafi / Voice-Over, Actress: Judith Mauthe / Technical Consultant: Matthias Writze / Script Consultant: Irmgard Fuchs / Research: Flora Löffelmann / Re-recording Mixer: Rudolf Pototschnig / English Version: Wortschatzproduktion, Stefania Schenk Vitale / Supported by: ORFIII, Austrian Federal Chancellery Arts and Culture, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, ARTE Creative / Realized as part of the program „Pixel, Bytes & Film“



A hard drive, 2.8 terabyte leftover data from a project that was shot 10 years ago. In 2008, the author and filmmaker Iris Blauensteiner made her first short movie. Now she sifts through this waste material: outtake scenes, photographs, sound files, e-mails, script passages, discarded ideas. This data was archived and well stored, but time has taken its toll. Old data formats cannot be played anymore because they are no longer compatible with current players. The multitude of read errors and image distortions disallow a comfortable recollection of the past, the pictures and sounds are not what they used to be. Ghostly, eerily magical scenes arise from the digital waste material and read errors, they reach into the visible and audible spectrum. Memories are recycled. They require a different cinematic experience, a new narrative, a different film.
„the_other_images“ is an experimental documentary short film. It raises the question how memory and remembering is possible when all the digital storages fail or cannot be accessed, postulating a possible answer in form of recycling and reutilizing the digital archive.

„Using mutated, nearly illegible material that is marked by decay, Iris Blauensteiner negotiates the potential of rejected images and the issue of storing digital memories: a desktop movie – (hi)stories of twenty-first-century cinema.“ (Michelle Koch, Diagonale Catalogue, 2018)


Distribution: CFMDC (Toronto)



* AWARDS: Jury-Award "Labo" at Festival International du Film de Nancy 2019 / Sonja-Savić-Award & Significant Achievement at Alternative Film/Video Festival Belgrade 2018


* FESTIVALS: Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur, The Short Film Festival of Switzerland, november 5-10, 2019 / Festival International du Film de Nancy, august 30 - september 8, 2019 / Alternative Film/Video - Festival of New Film and Video, Belgrade, december 12-16, 2018 / Furora Filmfestival Berlin, december 7-8, 2018 / Norwegian Short Film Festival - Kortfilmfestivalen Grimstad, june 13-17, 2018 / Diagonale - Festival of Austrian Film, Graz, march 13-18, 2018

* SCREENINGS: "Sold! And now?", art collection exhibition Vienna Museum musa, february 10, 2025 / „Freies Kino“, Stadtkino at Künstlerhaus Vienna, may 7, 2024 / c/o careof Archive Milano, may 10, 2023 / Laboratoire d’Études en Sciences des Arts, Aix Marseille Université, april 6, 2023 / Galerija Risim, Čačak (Serbia), november 28, 2022 / "Experiments in Desktop Cinema", Teatro Ca' Foscari, Venice, april 13, 2022 / Academic Film Center Belgrade, october 23, 2019 / "White Light", FLUCA – Austrian Cultural Pavilion, European Capital of Culture 2019, Plodviv, july 26, 2019 / Cinema Next Special - „My other images“, Vienna, february 5, 2019 & december 11, 2018 / „White light II“, Vienna Art Week/ Medienwerkstatt Vienna, november 23, 2018 / frame(o)ut - digital film festival at MQ Vienna, august 18, 2018 / „White Light“ (Golden Pixel Cooperative), Metro Kinokulturhaus Vienna, june 21 and 24, 2018

* EXHIBITION: Solo-Exhibition „Sonjin septembar 2019: Iris Blauenštajner“, Umetnička galerija Nadežda Petrović, Čačak, september 3 - october 31, 2019

* ARTCOLLECTION: Collection Vienna Museum / Sammlung Wien Museum, from july 2020
* TV: ”Oktoskop” OktoTV, , march 8, march 15 and september 27, 2020 / ORF III, february 11 and 12, 2018

* ONLINE: Kino VOD Club Austria, from april 2024 / Sooner, from september 2020 / ARTE Creative, 2019-23 / Realeyz - Indie Film Network, 2018-2020 / Online-Screening "They I Sie I Oni", The Golden Pixel Cooperative/Maja Ćirić, april 15-18, 2021